Britt Willoughby Dyer

Project Giving Back Statement for 2026

Since Project Giving Back (PGB) started funding gardens for good causes at RHS Chelsea Flower Show in 2022, our unique grant-making charity has had a significant impact - not only on the world-famous flower show and the charities who have used the opportunity to raise funds and awareness, but also on the communities where the gardens find permanent homes after the show has closed. All 60 gardens PGB will fund between 2022 and 2026 will have a life after RHS Chelsea in permanent locations around the UK.

Written by:

Hattie Ghaui

Published on:

July 29, 2024


Since Project Giving Back (PGB) started funding gardens for good causes at RHS Chelsea Flower Show in 2022, our unique grant-making charity has had a significant impact - not only on the world-famous flower show and the charities who have used the opportunity to raise funds and awareness, but also on the communities where the gardens find permanent homes after the show has closed. All 60 gardens PGB will fund between 2022 and 2026 will have a life after RHS Chelsea in permanent locations around the UK.

Project Giving Back’s 2026 Funding Process

Project Giving Back’s final year of funding gardens for good causes will be at RHS Chelsea 2026. We intend to fund a number of show gardens and All About Plants gardens, and are also exploring some shared funding partnership opportunities.  We will be taking a slightly altered approach to reviewing applications from designers and charities and ask that all applicants review the timeline and instructions carefully before submitting an expression of interest via the PGB website in September 2024. 

Selection process for the show garden category

Since we first encouraged applications for garden funding in 2021, we have received over 400 expressions of interest from designers and charities keen to showcase their work at RHS Chelsea. Due to the volume of applications, and the competitive nature of our process, we have only been able to fund 10% of the gardens that have applied to date.

With this in mind, we will make our 2026 show garden selection by initially revisiting applications from previous years. If you have not applied to Project Giving Back in the past, you are still very welcome to register your expression of interest in September 2024, and we will be inviting a small number of applicants to submit proposals for consideration by our panel in the new year. We also strongly encourage you to contact the RHS team to explore exhibiting at the show with alternative sources of funding.

The timeline for 2026 show garden funding is as follows:

  • August - October 2024: PGB team to review potential gardens for good causes options from applications made in 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025.
  • September - October 2024: PGB welcomes new expressions of interest for the show garden category
  • November 2024: PGB to contact selected designers/charities and issue invitations to develop a proposal for 2026. 
  • January - February 2025: Final review of proposals and confirmation of intention for show garden funding.

Selection process for the All About Plants garden category

For the All About Plants category, PGB will continue to accept new applications but will prioritise those from designers with a keen knowledge and passion for plants - in particular rare or unusual species - that apply alongside a relevant charity. 

Arne Maynard, PGB trustee who has championed the All About Plants category since it was introduced in 2022, said:

“We would really like the All About Plants category to continue to evolve and develop as an opportunity for designers to showcase their love of plants, and the ways in which they can be combined in a small space. We are therefore encouraging new applications for All About Plants funding in 2026, but would urge designers and charities to visit the PGB website and read our guidance before applying. We will prioritise applications that demonstrate an understanding of the category and a commitment to work with specialist nurseries to showcase rare and unusual plants.” 

The timeline for applying for All About Plants funding is as follows: 

  • September - October 2024: PGB welcomes expressions of interest for the All About Plants category 
  • November 2024: PGB reviews and invites a shortlist of designers/charities to develop proposals 
  • February 2025: Funding presentations and final selection made for 2026 All About Plants 

PGB trustee, Alex Denman, said:

“Thank you to everyone who has poured so much passion and love for gardens, plants and good causes of all kinds into the Project Giving Back mission since 2022. The impact the gardens have had on the charities they have been inspired by and the communities they will continue to support is profound and humbling. We are working hard as a team to honour and reflect this in our final year of funding gardens for good causes at RHS Chelsea Flower Show and look forward to seeing how this incredible chapter of the historic show’s history will be drawn to a close.”

To find out more, visit our 2026 application page here, or email

More from our journal


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