Project Giving Back offers a form of creative philanthropy in which good causes receive a gift of opportunity rather than direct funding. Wide ranging benefits include opportunities for extensive press and social media coverage, hosting exclusive events for potential donors and direct engagement with thousands of show visitors. We asked our 2022 garden teams to tell us how their experience at RHS Chelsea 2022 has impacted their charity so far.
April 28, 2023
While each garden team used their time at the show to great advantage, it’s the longer term benefits the gardens will bring in their final locations around the UK that make this opportunity an incredible legacy for everyone involved.
“Now installed at Alder Hey in the Park, the garden provides a haven for wellbeing and togetherness for all families and staff at the hospital. It will also be openly welcoming to the wider community, encouraging local residents to benefit from this unique garden.” - Fiona Ashcroft, CEO, Alder Hey Children’s Charity
“The relocated garden is raising Mind’s profile amongst partner organisations in Furness, their work in the eco/conservation space has grown and they’re reaching more people. The area now has street cleaning done by the council, which is transformative for an area that has not had that service to date” - Georgi Peyok, Special Events Manager, Mind
“My garden is so tiny so it is brilliant to have a school garden.” - Student, age 9, who attends the Henry Maynard School where Wilderness Foundation UK Garden is now located.
“The garden definitely made a statement and it was a real collective effort to bring it to life. Relocating it into our community will bring lasting benefits, heal old wounds and create opportunities for meaningful conversation for many years to come.” - Tayshan Hayden-Smith, Co-Founder & Director, Grow2Know