The garden evokes the lush, wet woodlands that once swathed vast areas of the west coast of the British Isles.
By bringing the enchantment of temperate rainforests to RHS Chelsea, the Wildlife Trusts hope to inspire people to support the restoration of this threatened habitat and show how nature-friendly gardening can help British wildlife thrive.
The garden raises awareness of the British Rainforest Restoration Programme; a first-of-its kind collaboration between The Wildlife Trusts and long-standing supporter Aviva who together have a 100-year ambition to bring British rainforests back to the western edge of the UK. This precious habitat that once blanketed a fifth of our country is now so rare that it only covers about 1% of the land.
The garden will immerse visitors in verdant fronds beneath dappled sunlight and the bubbling sound of flowing water. People can linger among lichened boughs of birch and delight in mounds of mosses beside a tumbling waterfall. A rare Royal fern will froth amid bursts of blue, yellow and pink provided by bluebells, marsh marigolds and foxgloves.
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The Wildlife Trusts aim to make the world wilder and ensure that nature is part of everyone’s lives - it operates as a grassroots movement of 46 charities with more than 910,000 members and 35,000 volunteers. With the support of its members, the trusts care for and restore special places for nature on land and run marine conservation projects and collect vital data on the state of our seas. Every Wildlife Trust works within its local community to inspire people to create a wilder future – from advising thousands of landowners on how to manage their land to benefit wildlife, to connecting hundreds of thousands of school children with nature every year.
After the show, the garden will be relocated to a location in the West Country.