The garden aims to highlight how gardeners can support the UK’s declining songbird population, which has decreased a staggering 50% in the past two generations. It centres around the narrative of a bird’s daily life, creating a playful, immersive space for people to connect with the fascinating lives of songbirds and inspire the next generation of songbird champions. It also shows how people can make small changes in their own gardens and green spaces that will help address the crisis that songbirds are facing.
The design is inspired by the movement and perspective of a bird, foraging for food and water while moving between points of safety and shelter. Two pathways weave between layers of planting, mimicking how birds prefer to move through a network of cover. Bird-friendly planting such as arctic bramble, grasses and yew hedges provide natural sources of food, nesting material and shelter. At the centre of the garden, the birdhouse den is made from reclaimed materials and incorporates six bespoke pieces of artwork depicting threatened songbirds. A circular pond provides shallow water for birds to drink and bathe in.
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SongBird Survival is an independent charity that is working to solve the ecological crisis for songbirds through scientific research. It is working to change the future of songbirds by funding research into the causes of the decline, and creating solutions. It is the only national UK charity solely dedicated to making a positive impact for songbirds in the face of this devastating ecological emergency.
Following RHS Chelsea, the SongBird Survival Garden will move to its permanent home with the Neighbourhood Network Charity, who manage a bustling community centre, based in Bransholme, Hull. This community centre will be a well-loved resource for all ages to learn about the natural world, gardening and enjoy the wellbeing benefits that come from spending time in nature, listening to birdsong.